First of all, I'm not perfect. I am flawed and I've been scarred.  I've been called pretty and sometimes not. I've been told,I'm too short or I'm too fat.  My heart has been hurt, my tears have collided into one another. My feelings and thoughts of what people would say about me slowly became my reality. I too was one of those people who told myself that maybe I just wasn't good enough. 

My life story can be long or it can be short but I soon realize that if I chose to believe in the negativity of the people around me (who don't even know me)then I am just as bad as they are. 

I know I'm not the only one who goes through this but its a story I want to tell. Perhaps its my own therapy but whatever it may be, I'm finding out everyday how beautiful I really am from the inside out. Its a journey everyday and everyday, I learn more and more things about myself that makes me smile. I don't want you to feel sorry for me because I know we each have our own insecurities and our own struggles.  This just happens to be mine. Journey with me as we find ourselves whether we are lost or not. Remember, its not how hard we fall, but how we choose to stand up again that really counts. 


Fashion is my true passion, but was where does Passion lead us after we've found it? In the past, I've had many blogs that were mainly focused on how to dress and how not to dress. I wanted this blog to focus on both Fashion, life style and using my passion for a purpose. I want this to be an open book (my personal book) focusing on the things that are important to me, have affected me, my struggles (then and now), goals, achievements and support.  When I was younger, I didn't have that "go to" person to ask questions, and being a girl in my culture makes it that much harder. I want this blog to encourage women, like me, to learn how to love themselves as I have also had to do myself. I want us to journey together through our passion and our struggles so we can learn who we are and love the very person we were meant to be. Change is good and I'm still going through it everyday. Whether you can relate to this blog or not, I'm still thankful if you have stopped by to visit. If you have suggestions or things you can offer my followers, please feel free to do so. We need to be supporters of one another. 

I heard this on KSGN (Christian Radio Channel) the other day and I loved it.. "Just because I don't talk, it doesn't mean I don't want to. I just don't know what to say". Imagine the difference we can make just by saying hello.  

This is what what Passion means to me: Do everything with a purpose. Use your passion to be the vehicle that drives you towards change.  

1. Be a role model, mentor and inspiration to younger girls by empowering them to believe in themselves. 

2. Educate others that Fashion should be a reflection of who you are on the inside and not the other way around. 

3. Promote women empowerment and higher education. 

4. Volunteer for organizations, charities and hospitals where I can offer my services for the better good of empowering them to want more for themselves. 

5. Help with the fight to stop "BULLYING" and help the "Bullys" understand why they don't have to hurt others. (Hurt people hurt others. Even they need help too).

6. Help with ending the fight against "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE" 

7. Be a role model for my son so he too can lead with his passion and give back to his community.  



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